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Showing posts with the label Warrior

012 - Swamp Battleguard

Type  WARRIOR / EFFECT Guardian Stars ☿ Mercury  /  ♂ Mars ATK / DFD 1800 / 1500 Level  (5) This creature is armed with a spiked club that can destroy almost anything in its path. Rumored to have a brother that is just as destructive. This card gains 500 ATK for each " Lava Battleguard " you control. Number 012 Password 40453765 Star Chip cost 290

015 - Flame Swordsman

Type  WARRIOR / FUSION Guardian Stars ♂ Mars  /  ☉ Sun ATK / DFD 1800 / 1600 Level  (5) A fighter gifted with the power of fire. Attacks enemies with a sword that launches flames. Number 015 Fusion Material " Flame Manipulator " + " Masaki the Legendary Swordsman " Password 45231177 Star Chip cost 320

033 - Judge Man

Type  WARRIOR / NORMAL Guardian Stars ☉ Sun  /  ♄ Saturn ATK / DFD 2200 / 1500 Level  (6) For this club-wielding warrior, there is no other outcome to battle than victory or defeat. This club-wielding warrior battles to the end and will never surrender. Number 033 Password 30113682 Star Chip cost 1000

038 - Gaia the Fierce Knight

Type  WARRIOR Guardian Stars ☿ Mercury  /  ♃ Jupiter ATK / DFD 2300 / 2100 Level  (7) A knight mounted on a horse that travels faster than the wind. His battle charge is a force to be reckoned with. Number 038 Password 06368038 Star Chip cost 999999

041 - Celtic Guardian

Type  WARRIOR Guardian Stars ☉ Sun / ⛢ Uranus ATK / DFD 1400 / 1200 Level  (4) An elf who learned to wield a sword, he baffles enemies with lightning-swift attacks. Number 041 Password 91152256 Star Chip cost 120

043 - Karbonala Warrior

Type  WARRIOR / FUSION Guardian Stars ⛢ Uranus  /  ♃ Jupiter ATK / DFD 1500 / 1200 Level  (4) A very average looking fighter with an unusually high attack factor. Number 572 Fusion Meterial " M-Warrior 1 " + " M-Warrior 2 " Password 54541900 Star Chip cost 140

066 - Kojikocy

Type  WARRIOR Guardian Stars ⛢ Uranus  /  ☾ Moon ATK / DFD 1500 / 1200 Level  (4) A man hunter with powerful arms that can crush boulders. Number 066 Password 01184620 Star Chip cost 140

078 - Axe Raider

Type  WARRIOR Guardian Stars ⛢ Uranus  /  ☿ Mercury ATK / DFD 1700 / 1150 Level  (4) An axe-wielding monster of tremendous strength and agility. Number 078 Password 48305365 Star Chip cost 160

093 - Zanki

Type  WARRIOR Guardian Stars ⛢ Uranus  /  ♃ Jupiter ATK / DFD 1500 / 1700 Level  (5) Prefers to face enemies one-on-one. His swiftly drawn blade delivers a quick and immediate finish. His swiftly drawn blade delivers quick and fatal damage. Number 093 Password 30090452 Star Chip cost 260

100 - Battle Warrior

Type  WARRIOR Guardian Stars ⛢ Uranus  /  ☾ Moon ATK / DFD 700 / 1000 Level  (3) A warrior that fights with his bare hands. Number 100 Password 55550921 Star Chip cost 40

107 - Kageningen

Type  WARRIOR / FUSION Guardian Stars ☾ Moon  /  ♂ Mars ATK / DFD 800 / 600 Level  (2) Uses both physical and shadow forms to attack, making it a difficult creature to overcome. He yoozes both a physical form and a shadow form ta attack. So he's a tough monstah ta beat! Number 107 Password 80600490 Star Chip cost 30

110 - Hero of the East

Type  WARRIOR Guardian Stars ⛢ Uranus  /  ☿ Mercury ATK / DFD 1100 / 1000 Level  (3) A samurai from the Far East armed with a razor-sharp sword. Feel da strength ah dis sword-swinging samurai from da Far East. Number 110 Password 89987208 Star Chip cost 60

118 - Supporter in the Shadows

Type  WARRIOR Guardian Stars ♃ Jupiter  /  ♀ Venus ATK / DFD 1000 / 1000 Level  (3) A cute elf that assists against enemies while remaining hidden from sight. A cute little elf that hides in the shadows and provides spiritual support. Number 118 Password 41422426 Star Chip cost 55

120 - Dream Clown

Type  WARRIOR / EFFECT Guardian Stars ♀ Venus / ♄ Saturn ATK / DFD 1200 / 900 Level  (3) The mysterious dance of this creature draws its enemies into eternal slumber. When this card is changed from Attack Position to Defense Position, destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field. Number 120 Password 13215230 Star Chip cost 60

127 - Ansatsu

Type  WARRIOR Guardian Stars ☿ Mercury  /  ♆ Neptune ATK / DFD 1700 / 1200 Level  (5) A silent and swift warrior specializing in sneak attack. A silent and deadly warrior specializing in assassinations. Number 127 Password 48365709 Star Chip cost 180

138 - Dragon Statue

Type  WARRIOR Guardian Stars ⛢ Uranus  /  ♂ Mars ATK / DFD 1100 / 900 Level  (3) A granite warrior with a dragon's soul wields a powerful sword against all enemies. A stone warrior with the heart of a dragon. Number 138 Password 09197735 Star Chip cost 55