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Victory Bonuses

The player wins a certain card from each opponent after every ten wins against that opponent, up to 100 wins.

Eighteen cards in the game are only available as victory bonuses; these are indicated in the below tables with a pink background and a superscript dagger (†) after the card's name. Specifically, the 100 victory bonus of every character is only available as a victory bonus, except for Mako Tsunami's 100 victory bonus, #337: "Raigeki", which the player's Starter Deck contains one copy of.

Fourteen victory bonuses are also available as communication bonuses, indicated with a yellow background and a superscript double dagger (‡). Sixteen victory bonuses are also available in the Starter Deck (though none of them are also communication bonuses), indicated with a green background and a superscript section sign (§). All of these, except for #337: "Raigeki", are also available as drops, as are all of the other victory bonuses which are otherwise available. 

Yugi Muto
Wins # Card
10 314 Horn of Unicorn
20 350 Dark-piercing Light §
30 199 Penguin Knight§
40 161 M-Warrior #2 §
50 114 White Magical Hat
60 270 Wetha
70 118 Supporter in Shadows
80 276 Ray & Temperature §
90 039 Curse of Dragon
100 038 Gaia Fierce Knight
Tristan Taylor
Wins # Card
10 310 Vile Germs
20 312 Silver Bow & Arrow
30 238 Yashinoki §
40 300 Kurama §
50 155 Larvas §
60 180 Arlownay §
70 257 Stone Armadiller
80 174 Hurricail §
90 252 Nekogal #1
100 018 Left Leg of Forbidden One
Joey Wheeler
Wins # Card
10 333 Sogen
20 301 Legendary Sword
30 064 Tiger Axe
40 043 Karbonala Warrior
50 078 Axe Raider
60 014 Battle Steer
70 012 Swamp Battleguard
80 068 Garoozis
90 016 Time Wizard
100 082 Red-eyes B. Dragon
Ryou Bakura
Wins # Card
10 335 Yami
20 236 Guardian of Labyrinth
30 338 Mooyan Curry §
40 294 Dragoness Wicked Knight
50 339 Red Medicine §
60 259 Ancient Sorcerer
70 340 Goblin's Secret Remedy
80 225 Fiend Sword
90 341 Soul of Pure
100 342 Dian Keto Cure Master
Weevil Underwood
Wins # Card
10 330 Forest
20 050 Basic Insect
30 305 Lazer Cannon Armor
40 053 Killer Needle
50 306 Insect Armor with Laser Cannon
60 054 Gokibore
70 049 Big Insect
80 055 Giant Flea
90 052 Hercules Beetle
100 278 Petit Moth
Mai Valentine
Wins # Card
10 332 Mountain
20 327 Follow Wind
30 062 Harpie Lady
40 318 Elegant Egotist
50 272 Mavelus
60 316 Electro-whip
70 117 Spirit of the Books
80 125 Faith Bird
90 317 Cyber Shield
100 063 Harpie Lady Sisters
Rex Raptor
Wins # Card
10 331 Wasteland
20 326 Raise Body Heat
30 080 Uraby
40 081 Crawling Dragon #2
50 011 Sword Arm of Dragon
60 080 Uraby
70 081 Crawling Dragon #2
80 011 Sword Arm of Dragon
90 079 Megazowler
100 032 Two-headed King Rex
Mako Tsunami
Wins # Card
10 334 Umi
20 328 Power of Kaishin
30 309 Steel Shell
40 070 Fiend Kraken
50 071 Jellyfish
60 073 Kairyu-shin
70 070 Fiend Kraken
80 071 Jellyfish
90 073 Kairyu-shin
100 337 Raigeki §
Seto Kaiba
Wins # Card
10 302 Sword of Dark Destruction
20 321 Malevolent Nuzzler
30 005 Ryu-kishin §
40 077 Grappler
50 091 Mystic Horseman
60 023 Wicked Worm Beast
70 026 Battle Ox
80 033 Judge Man
90 090 Gyakutenno Megami
100 001 Blue-eyes White Dragon
Mokuba Kaiba
Wins # Card
10 336 Dark Hole
20 313 Horn of Light
30 324 Invigoration
40 075 Man-eating Plant §
50 102 Mask of Darkness §
60 076 Krokodilus
70 051 Armored Lizard
80 066 Kojikocy
90 234 Beautiful Headhunt
100 017 Right Leg of Forbidden One
Puppeteer of Doom
Wins # Card
10 320 Stop Defense
20 119 Trial of Nightmares
30 233 Dark Titan of Terror
40 163 Lisark
50 165 Judgement Hand
60 297 Cyber Soldier of Darkworld
70 136 Witty Phantom
80 275 Ground Attacker Bugroth
90 286 Gatekeeper
100 019 Right Arm of Forbidden One
Wins # Card
10 335 Yami
20 303 Dark Energy
30 083 Castle of Dark Illusions
40 088 Metal Guardian
50 086 Barox
60 084 Reaper of the Cards
70 281 Mystic Clown
80 087 Dark Chimera
90 127 Ansatsu
100 085 King of Yamimakai
Bandit Keith
Wins # Card
10 325 Machine Conversion Factory
20 322 Violet Crystal
30 098 Clown Zombie
40 036 The Snake Hair
50 093 Zanki
60 286 Gatekeeper
70 094 Crawling Dragon
80 124 Ancient Tool
90 099 Pumpking King of Ghosts
100 020 Left Arm of Forbidden One
Simon Muran
Wins # Card
10 323 Book of Secret Arts
20 311 Black Pendant
30 304 Axe of Despair
40 307 Elf's Light
50 308 Beast Fangs
60 213 Aqua Madoor
70 145 Bewitching Phantom Thief §
80 106 Spirit of Winds
90 022 Summoned Skull
100 042 Illusionist Faceless Mage
Maximillion Pegasus
Wins # Card
10 284 Tao the Chanter
20 241 Dark Assailant
30 040 Dragon Piper
40 287 Ogre of Black Shadow
50 045 Oscillo Hero #2 §
60 329 Dragon Capture Jar
70 291 Fireyarou
80 149 Lord of Lamp
90 044 Rogue Doll
100 315 Dragon Treasure
Yami Yugi
Wins # Card
10 006 Feral Imp
20 007 Winged Dragon #1
30 041 Celtic Guardian
40 319 Mystical Moon
50 010 Blackland Fire Dragon
60 348 Swords of Revealing Light
70 031 Koumori Dragon
80 060 Great White
90 345 Final Flame
100 021 Exodia Forbidden


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