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Showing posts with the label Pyro

040 - Dragon Piper

Type  PYRO / FLIP / EFFECT Guardian Stars ♂ Mars  / ☾ Moon ATK / DFD 200 / 1800 Level  (3) A jar carved with strange patterns. It has a particularly high defense factor. FLIP: Destroy all face-up " Dragon Capture Jar "(s) on the field. If you destroy any, change all face-up Dragon-Type monsters on the field to Attack Position. Number 040 Password 55763552 Star Chip cost 55

101 - Wings of Wicked Flame

Type  PYRO Guardian Stars ♂ Mars  / ♄ Saturn ATK / DFD 700 / 600 Level  (2) Soaring over its enemies on wings of crimson fire, this monster attacks by blasting flames from its body. Crimson wings of fire make this a very lethal creature. Number 101 Password 92944626 Star Chip cost 30

133 - Charubin the Fire Knight

Type  PYRO / FUSION Guardian Stars ♂ Mars  / ⛢ Uranus ATK / DFD 1100 / 800 Level  (3) A warrior protected by a shell that can even deflect the heat of burning flames. Number 133 Fusion Material " Monster Egg " + " Hinotama Soul " Password 37421579 Star Chip cost 50

176 - Fire Eye

Type  PYRO Guardian Stars ♂ Mars  / ♄ Saturn ATK / DFD 800 / 600 Level  (2) A winged eye enveloped in flames that attacks enemies with fire. An eye engulfed in flames that flaps its wings to create hot blasts of air. Number 176 Password 88435542 Star Chip cost 30

210 - Hinotama Soul

Type  PYRO Guardian Stars ♂ Mars  / ⛢ Uranus ATK / DFD 600 / 500 Level  (2) An intensely hot flame creature that rams anything that stands in its way. An intensely hot flame creature that rams anything standing in its way. Number 210 Password 96851799 Star Chip cost 25

291 - Fireyarou

Type  PYRO Guardian Stars ♂ Mars  / ♄ Saturn ATK / DFD 1300 / 1000 Level  (4) A malevolent creature wrapped in flames that attacks enemies with intense fire. Number 291 Password 71407486 Star Chip cost 80

473 - Vermillion Sparrow

Type  PYRO / FUSION Guardian Stars ♂ Mars  / ♇ Pluto ATK / DFD 1900 / 1500 Level  (5) A fiery warrior creature that unleashes intense heat from its body. "Rhaimundos of the Red Sword" + "Fireyarou" Number 473 Password 35752363 Star Chip cost 320

529 - Flame Cerebrus

Type  PYRO Guardian Stars ♂ Mars  / ♇ Pluto ATK / DFD 2100 / 1800 Level  (6) A flaming beast that is lethal to the touch. Number 529 Password 60862676 Star Chip cost 500

644 - Flame Viper

Type  PYRO Guardian Stars ♂ Mars  / ♇ Pluto ATK / DFD 400 / 450 Level  (2) A very swift, fire breathing viper. A fire-breathing snake whose speed makes it a difficult target. Number 644 Password 02830619 Star Chip cost 20