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Showing posts with the label Spellcaster

002 - Mystical Elf

Type  SPELLCASTER Guardian Stars ☉ Sun  /  ♃ Jupiter ATK / DFD 800 / 2000 Level  (4) A delicate elf that lacks in offence but has terrific defense backed by mystical power. Number 002 Password 15025844 Star Chip cost 160

016 - Time Wizard

Type  SPELLCASTER / EFFECT Guardian Stars ♀ Venus  /  ☉ Sun ATK / DFD 500 / 400 Level  (2) A sorcerer capable of bending time to his will. Though not powerful at first glance, appearances can be deceiving. Once per turn: You can toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, destroy all monsters your opponent controls. If you call it wrong, destroy as many monsters you control as possible, and if you do, take damage equal to half the total ATK those destroyed monsters had while face-up on the field. Number 016 Password 71625222 Star Chip cost 999999 ...

017 - Right Leg of the Forbidden One

Type  SPELLCASTER Guardian Stars ☿ Mercury  /  ♃ Jupiter ATK / DFD 200 / 300 Level  (1) A forbidden limb sealed by magic. Who ever breaks this seal will know infinite power. Only one card of this type can be included in a deck. A forbidden right leg sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power. Number 017 Password 08124921 Star Chip cost 999999

018 - Left Leg of the Forbidden One

Type  SPELLCASTER Guardian Stars ☿ Mercury  /  ♄ Saturn ATK / DFD 200 / 300 Level  (1) A forbidden limb sealed by magic. Who ever breaks this seal will know infinite power. Only one card of this type can be included in a deck. A forbidden left leg sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power. Number 018 Password 44519536 Star Chip cost 999999

019 - Right Arm of the Forbidden One

Type  SPELLCASTER Guardian Stars ☿ Mercury  /  ⛢ Uranus ATK / DFD 200 / 300 Level  (1) A forbidden limb sealed by magic. Who ever breaks this seal will know infinite power. Only one card of this type can be included in a deck. A forbidden right arm sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power. Number 019 Password 70903634 Star Chip cost 999999

020 - Left Arm of the Forbidden One

Type  SPELLCASTER Guardian Stars ☿ Mercury  /  ♇ Pluto ATK / DFD 200 / 300 Level  (1) A forbidden limb sealed by magic. Who ever breaks this seal will know infinite power. Only one card of this type can be included in a deck. A forbidden left arm sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power. Number 020 Password 07902349 Star Chip cost 999999

021 - Exodia the Forbidden

Type  SPELLCASTER / EFFECT Guardian Stars ☿ Mercury  /  ♆ Neptune ATK / DFD 1000 / 1000 Level  (3) Once combined with arms and legs, this monster is freed from its magical chains. Only one card of this type can be included in a deck. If you have " Right Leg of the Forbidden One ", " Left Leg of the Forbidden One ", " Right Arm of the Forbidden One " and " Left Arm of the Forbidden One " in addition to this card in your hand, you win the Duel. Number 021 Password 33396948 Star Chip cost 999999

034 - Saggi the Dark Clown

Type  SPELLCASTER / NORMAL Guardian Stars ☿ Mercury  /  ☾ Moon ATK / DFD 600 / 1500 Level  (3) This clown appears out of nowhere and executes some very strange moves to avoid enemy attacks. Number 034 Password 66602787 Star Chip cost 60

035 - Dark Magician

Type  SPELLCASTER Guardian Stars ☿ Mercury  /  ♂ Mars ATK / DFD 2500 / 2100 Level  (7) The ultimate wizard in terms of attacks and defense. Number 035 Password 46986414 Star Chip cost 999999

042 - Illusionist Faceless Mage

Type  SPELLCASTER Guardian Stars ♀ Venus  /  ♂ Mars ATK / DFD 1200 / 2200 Level  (5) Manipulates enemies attacks with the power of illusion. A very rare card. Number 042 Password 28546905 Star Chip cost 320

044 - Rogue Doll

Type  SPELLCASTER / NORMAL Guardian Stars ☉ Sun  /  ♇ Pluto ATK / DFD 1600 / 1000 Level  (4) A unique doll gifted with mystical power. Particularly powerful when attacking against dark forces. A deadly doll gifted with mystical power, it is particularly powerful when attacking against dark forces. Number 044 Password 91939608 Star Chip cost 120

104 - Curtain of the Dark Ones

Type  SPELLCASTER Guardian Stars ☿ Mercury  /  ♃ Jupiter ATK / DFD 600 / 500 Level  (2) A curtain woven by the hands of a sorcerer. It is said to enhance the power of magic-users. A curtain that a spellcaster made, it is said to raise a dark power. Number 104 Password 22026707 Star Chip cost 25

106 - Spirit of the Winds

Type  SPELLCASTER Guardian Stars ♄ Saturn  /  ☉ Sun ATK / DFD 1700 / 1400 Level  (5) A spirit of the wind that freely sails the skies. Known to generate storms when it's in a bad mood. A free-spirited wind elemental that flits about as it desires. It brings storms when it becomes upset. Number 106 Password 54615781 Star Chip cost 230

114 - White Magical Hat

Type  SPELLCASTER / EFFECT Guardian Stars ☉ Sun  /  ♂ Mars ATK / DFD 1000 / 700 Level  (3) A gentleman thief that eludes the law despite the fact that he sticks out like a sore thumb with his silk hat and white cape. When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, your opponent discards 1 card randomly from his/her hand. Number 114 Password 15150365 Star Chip cost 40

115 - Kamion Wizard

Type  SPELLCASTER / FUNSION Guardian Stars ☿ Mercury  /  ♇ Pluto ATK / DFD 1300 / 1100 Level  (4) A magic-user that controls chaos and wields a mighty sickle. Number 115 Fusion Material " Mystical Elf " + "Curtain of the Dark Ones" Password 41544074 Star Chip cost 120

128 - LaMoon

Type  SPELLCASTER Guardian Stars ☉ Sun  /  ⛢ Uranus ATK / DFD 1200 / 1700 Level  (5) A sorcerer who lives on the moon and attacks opponents with the power of lunar light. A sorcerer that draws its power from the lunar landscape. Number 128 Password 75850803 Star Chip cost 180

129 - Nemuriko

Type  SPELLCASTER Guardian Stars ☿ Mercury  /  ☾ Moon ATK / DFD 800 / 700 Level  (3) A child-like creature that controls a sleep spirit to beckon enemies into an eternal slumber. Number 129 Password 90963488 Star Chip cost 30