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Showing posts with the label Beast-Warrior

003 - Hitotsu-me Giant

Type  BEAST-WARRIOR Guardian Stars ☾ Moon  /  ♂ Mars ATK / DFD 1200 / 1000 Level  (4) A one-eyed behemoth with thick, powerful arms made for delivering punishing blows. Number 003 Password 76184692 Star Chip cost 70

014 - Battle Steer

Type  BEAST-WARRIOR Guardian Stars ☾ Moon  / ⛢  Uranus ATK / DFD 1800 / 1300 Level  (5) A bull monster often found in the woods. Charges enemy monsters with a pair of razor-sharp horns. A bull monster often found in the woods, it charges enemy monsters with a pair of deadly horns. Number 014 Password 18246479 Star Chip cost 230

026 - Battle Ox

Type  BEAST-WARRIOR / NORMAL Guardian Stars ♃ Jupiter  /  ☾ Moon ATK / DFD 1700 / 1000 Level  (4) A monster with tremendous power. Destroys enemies with a swing of its axe. A monster with tremendous power, it destroys enemies with a swing of its axe. Number 026 Password 05053103 Star Chip cost 999999

027 - Beaver Warrior

Type  BEAST-WARRIOR Guardian Stars ♃ Jupiter  /  ♀ Venus ATK / DFD 1200 / 1500 Level  (4) What this creature lacks in size, it makes up for in defense when battling in the meadow. What this creature lacks in size it makes up for in defense when battling in the prairie. Number 027 Password 32452818 Star Chip cost 140

029 - Mountain Warrior

Type  BEAST-WARRIOR Guardian Stars ⛢  Uranus / ♂ Mars ATK / DFD 600 / 1000 Level  (3) A solid warrior that can move swiftly over rough terrain. A tough warrior that can move smoothly on even the roughest terrain. Number 029 Password 04931562 Star Chip cost 35

064 - Tiger Axe

Type  BEAST-WARRIOR Guardian Stars ♃ Jupiter  /  ♆ Neptune ATK / DFD 1300 / 1100 Level  (4) A fast and powerful axe-wielding beast warrior. Number 064 Password 49791927 Star Chip cost 999999

068 - Garoozis

Type  BEAST-WARRIOR Guardian Stars ♂ Mars  /  ♀ Venus ATK / DFD 1800 / 1500 Level  (5) An axe-swinging beast warrior with the head of a dragon. Number 068 Password 14977074 Star Chip cost 290

092 - Rabid Horseman

Type  BEAST-WARRIOR / FUSION Guardian Stars ♃ Jupiter  /  ♇ Pluto ATK / DFD 2000 / 1700 Level  (6) A powerful and unstoppable combination of bull and horse. Number 092 Fusion Material "Battle Ox" + " Mystic Horseman " Password 94905343 Star Chip cost 999999

219 - Solitude

Type  BEAST-WARRIOR Guardian Stars ☾ Moon  / ⛢  Uranus ATK / DFD 1050 / 1000 Level  (3) A beast-warrior that swings a massive scythe that draws on the spirit of its enemies to deliver devastating blows. This beast-warrior swings a massive scythe that feeds on the souls of the slain. Number 219 Password 84794011 Star Chip cost 55

246 - One Who Hunts Souls

Type  BEAST-WARRIOR Guardian Stars ☾ Moon  /  ☿ Mercury ATK / DFD 1100 / 1000 Level  (4) A creature with a sword that gains its power from the life forces of its victims. This dangerous creature brandishes a soul-sucking sword. Number 246 Password 03606209 Star Chip cost 60

287 - Ogre of the Black Shadow

Type  BEAST-WARRIOR Guardian Stars ☾ Moon  /  ♄ Saturn ATK / DFD 1200 / 1400 Level  (4) An ogre possessed by the powers of the dark. Few can withstand its rapid charge. Number 287 Password 45121025 Star Chip cost 120

382 - Rude Kaiser

Type  BEAST-WARRIOR Guardian Stars ⛢  Uranus / ☉ Sun ATK / DFD 1800 / 1600 Level  (5) With an axe in each hand, this monster delivers heavy damage. Number 382 Password 26378150 Star Chip cost 320

627 - Nekogal 2

Type  BEAST-WARRIOR Guardian Stars ♃ Jupiter  / ⛢  Uranus ATK / DFD 1900 / 2000 Level  (6) This fast creature can easily elude enemy attacks and counter them with its vicious claws. A fast and lethal creature with very dangerous claws. Number 627 Password 43352213 Star Chip cost 550

703 - Sengenjin

Type  BEAST-WARRIOR Guardian Stars ♃ Jupiter  /  ☿ Mercury ATK / DFD 2750 / 2500 Level  (8) A headstrong primitive man equipped with a Millennium Item. Number 703 Password 76232340 Star Chip cost 550