Warrior (戦せん士し Senshi) is a diverse, versatile, and popular Type of Monster Card. There are Warriors of every Attribute, primarily EARTH, DARK, and LIGHT. Warrior is the most human-like Type of monster, consisting of many human knights, brawlers, rogues, etc.
Warriors also have their own Structure Decks, Structure Deck: Warrior's Triumph, Structure Deck: Warriors' Strike/Warriors' Strike Structure Deck, Samurai Warlords Structure Deck and Structure Deck: HERO's Strike/HERO Strike Structure Deck.
Most of the main protagonists of the series have used plenty of Warrior monsters in their Decks, initially including at least 1 Warrior archetype each. Yugi Muto uses the Three Musketeers of Face Cards and "Gaia The Fierce Knight" monsters, Jaden Yuki uses "Elemental HERO" and "Masked HERO" monsters, Yusei Fudo uses "Warrior" Synchro Monsters, and Yuma Tsukumo uses several Warrior monsters, most prominently "Number 39: Utopia" and its evolutions. Yuya Sakaki used the Type the least, his line-up consisting of "Performapal Helpprincess" and "Performapal Dag Daggerman", while Yusaku Fujiki only uses Cyberse monsters, but uses the Warrior-like "Code Talker" monsters and "Linkslayer".
Many other characters use Warrior monsters, including all incarnations of Aster Phoenix, Reginald Van Howell III, Kaze, Nistro, Alito, Yuto, Chojiro Tokumatsu, Gloria Tyler, George Gore, and Arata Arai.
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